We are a group of Internal Medicine providers who specialize in care of Residents living in long term care facilities.

Our expertise is in managing adults and geriatrics with complex medical problems which include among other problems, diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, vascular disease, strokes and other neurologic problems, infectious disease, various rheumatologic and musculoskeletal problems.  We also have a particular expertise in Dementia and Memory care and serve a number of memory care facilities in the area. Our primary mission is to provide excellent, comprehensive medical care to Residents within their own facility.   We find that we can get a better understanding of a person’s medical problems and needs when seen within their own environment.  Also a major part of our mission is to provide care to Residents who have difficulty going to the office to see their providers such as Residents with severe dementia, mobility impairment or extreme frailty.

Currently we provide care to the following facilities:  Regency on Whidbey Assisted Living and Memory Care and Lighthouse Memory Care, Soundview Rehabilitation, Rosario Assisted Living and Memory Care and Ashley Gardens Memory Care in Mt Vernon.